Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Royal Diaries

The Royal Diaries

by Various Authors

The Royal Diaries are diaries about the lives of famous princesses and queens, such as Cleopatra VII and Elizabeth I, when they were children. These princesses did not write these diaries themselves, but other people wrote them in a way that made the diaries seem real. The authors of The Royal Diaries included things that really happened to these princesses and describe the princesses' troubles and secrets. They also discuss things about their father or mother. An example of this would be King Henry VIII, Princess Elizabeth I's father. It is a very interesting way to learn about these famous princesses and their relatives. The Royal Diaries series showed me that it is not easy to be a princess.

I have only read two of the 18 Royal Diary books (the two listed above), so I can't give a top 10 or five review yet, but I will tell you that I like the Cleopatra VII diary best. I like it more because it is full of adventure, and is a suspenseful, what's-going-to-happen kind of book. Unlike some kinds of books that just jump into things, this book takes a while to get into the interesting part, but the interesting part is well worth the wait.

After the end of the story, these books have a epilogue and pictures, such as a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. These books are most suited for children ages nine to 11.

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