Tuesday 21 May 2013

Raising a Riot

Raising a Riot
by Alfred Toombs

Raising a Riot is about a father who is caring for his three children while his wife is away from the family. It's a true story written by a former newspaperman who had no idea how tough it would be to take care of a home and children by himself.

I read the Reader's Digest condensed version of this book and enjoyed it because it shows the job mothers do staying at home with their children while their husbands are at work. In Raising a Riot, the roles are reversed. The mother went away on the doctor's orders so the father goes to the family the cottage in Maryland to care for their children -- ages ten, seven, and four. His experiences are funny, even though Mr. Toombs sometimes found it very frustrating.

I was drawn to the story because the title sounded interesting, and it was. The story caught my attention further because it has kids in a home with a stay-at-home parent, and I'm a kid in a home with a stay-at-home parent. My mom stays at home with us, but I think it would be funny to imagine what it would be like if my dad (who is also a newspaperman) stayed at home with us.

I didn't like how his children were demanding, and didn't help with work unless their father made a system (and even with those systems they didn't help for very long).

I think the author wrote this book because it would help husbands understand what their wives are going through. I'm not a wife myself, but it helps me to understand what my mom does.

Now adays a stay-at-home dad is not uncommon, but at the time this book was written (the mid 50s), it would have been unusual. But even though it was written about sixty years ago, I think it can compare to people nowadays, because no matter what time in history, moms are moms, kids are kids, and dads are dads.

Friday 17 May 2013

Raccoons on the Roof

Raccoons on the Roof
by Ben M. Baglio

Raccoons on the Roof is a Animal Ark book. It doesn't take place in its usual location in Welford, Yorkshire, because the main character Mandy is visiting Blue Bayous, in Florida. It is about Mandy, Joel, a boy from New York, and Courtney, who is from Blue Bayous and daughter of a man who hates animals.

Raccoons are usually viewed as pests, but in this book the author gives a different perspective. They can be both pests and cute friends, they just have to be managed right. I like this book because even though Courtney's dad hated animals and thought raccoons are pests, he learned a lesson from them.

Some Animal Ark books are predictable, but this one isn't. In places you don't know what will happen, and that's what makes this book special. But I don't like how Mandy spoke to Joel on the beach, even if she found out that she was wrong. Mandy got angry and accused Joel of doing things she didn't know if he had done or not.

But overall, I found Raccoons on the Roof scary, cute and funny. It's most suited to those ages 7 to 10, or anyone who enjoys animal stories.

Thursday 16 May 2013

First Lady of the Seeing Eye

First Lady of the Seeing Eye
By Morris Frank and Blake Clark

First Lady of the Seeing Eye is a book written by Morris Frank and Blake Clark. I read the Reader's Digest condensed version. It is about the first seeing eye dog in America, Buddy. It is taken from the view of Morris himself, who is blind and owned Buddy.

I came across this book when I had nothing to read and I had read all the children's books in the house. Then my Mom handed me an old copy of Reader's Digest Twenty Best Books. She suggested I read Wilderness Wife by Kathrene Pinkerton but what really interested me was The First Lady of the Seeing Eye. I had read a children's reader version of the story called Buddy a few years ago and I wanted to know more about it.

I think the author wrote this book so others would know all the wonderful things Buddy did. Buddy obeyed and helped her owner to the end, sensed when there was danger and always did something to stop it. I think people should read this book because it shows how the seeing eye program got started, the difficulties of people who are blind, and how they can overcome the difficulties with a seeing eye dog.

Morris said getting a seeing eye dog was like getting out of a prison. He could go to the barber shop and go straight back home without waiting for someone to come and take him. 

This book is not a children's book, nor just a adults's book, but a book someone of any age would enjoy very much. I think even my five-year-old sister would enjoy it if it was read aloud to her. Now I certainly know the wonderful things Buddy did. And everyone that reads this book will, too.

The book is happy, and funny. I would recommend this book because it makes me laugh and be happy, but it is also sad at the end. It shows how animals have lives and feelings, just like us.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Top 10 Pony Pal Favourites

The Pony Pal series is a series of books written by Jeanne Betancourt. They are about three girls, Pam Crandal, Lulu Sanders, and Anna Harley. It is called Pony Pals because the girls own ponies, and they are pals. I enjoy this series because they aren't dry and boring. In every book there is a mystery to solve or a problem to overcome. And the pals solve the problems by working together. They'll each think of an way to solve the problem and then all decide which idea would work the best.

Some of Ms. Betancourt's books I won't recommend, like The Pony and the Haunted House and Magic Pony because even if the haunted barn isn't haunted, I don't like them saying it could be.
These below are my top ten favourites. I've read almost all of the Pony Pal books.

1) The Last Pony Ride
2) Western Pony
3) The Girl who Hated Ponies
4) The Baby Pony
5) The Pony and the Lost Swan
6) A Pony in Trouble
7) The Pony and the Bear
8) The Newborn Pony
9) The Pony and the Missing Dog
10) Circus Pony

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Top 10 Animal Ark Favourites

Animal Ark is a series of books written by Ben M. Baglio. You may wonder why it is called Animal Ark. It is because Mandy and her family ( Mandy Hope, Adam Hope and Emily Hope ) live in a vet clinic called Animal Ark Veterinary Clinic. Mandy is the vet's daughter. In some books Mandy does naughty things, but she gets punished. They also teach lessons. I think a good scripture from the Bible for Animal Ark would be Proverbs 12:10, "A good man regards the life of his beast". Mandy loves animals of all shapes and sizes and cares for them as if they were human. Her best friend, James, cares about animals as much as she does. As a side note, you may get confused with Walton and Welford in the books. Welford is were Mandy lives, and Walton is were Mandy's school is.

I haven't read all the Animal Ark books, but I've read a lot! These are my recommended and top ten favourites:

1) Ponies at the Point
2) Goat in the Garden
3) Cub in the Cupboard
4) Pony in the Pumpkin Patch
5) Chick Challenge (Animal Ark Pets)
6) Shetland in the Shed
7) Hamster in the Handbasket
8) Raccoons on the Roof
9) Husky in a Hut
10) Dog at the Door